Monday, 30 January 2012


Most difficult question I ever thought of is " WHO AM I".Strange but true everyone is nearly of the same opinion. Neither we present what we are to others, nor to ourself. As a human we always attempt to present ourself to others as having positive attributes.Shakespear's words" All the world's a stage & all the men & women merely players" explains this psychology of human very well. Are we always honest while presenting the "self", certainly not; it depends on the mediums of interaction, strenght of relation  & the goal of  communication. An individual manages the "Self " image differently in different social contexts. we frequently lie unnecessarily in order to mange our impression. But the basic issue is to learn about ourself through ourself only,What we privately think about who we are. "Introspection" the technique which acquires most of the pages of millions of self-help books, focuses on looking inward to get a better understanding of the self. Not as easy as it seems in words because we are likely to be partial while evaluating us.How we recognise ourself depends on how others treat us too.We generally avoid those aspects which creates a fear of rejection in us under the influence of the surrounding & social approval.We constantly try to prevent our self esteem as well as the social prestige even in our own company!! 
 Introspection may mislead when we start assuming & predicting about the future in place of actually going through the"self. The problem arises when we emphasize more upon the emotional factors & avoide those factors that really influnce our self judgement. For accurate judging of self,one must be honest to him/her.
                                       USE THE WEAPONS,INTROSPECT & EVALUATE,
                                       PRAISE THE LIFE & GET MORE TO CELEBRATE!!!

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